
Solo in-house developer for eero marketing website. Highlighted projects for growth, interaction, and sales.

Personalized system selector

After a conversation with a member of the support team about the types of calls and requests they receive, I noted that a majority were questions about which of our systems to buy.

To address this, I rapidly prototyped an interactive quiz that allowed users to answer a few questions and receive a recommendation on which system would be best. After presenting it to the broader team, we iterated and readied it for production.

Once live, this tool became the top converting user flow on the site and lifted overall conversions by nearly 10%.

eero Shopping cart

I built a custom shopping cart that could communicate with our eCommerce API endpoints.

This allowed us to vastly improve our customers experience shopping on our site, while not requiring a complete replatform away from Shopify.

Overview of the homepage

Worked directly with the design team, I built this new homepage migrating from Jekyl to React.

My key contributions to the design and interaction side include all of the subtle scroll-based transitions and movement.

Overview of responsive layout and interactions for eero

I played a key part in driving our responsive design.

Usually this meant sitting with a member of the design team as I demonstrated a components responsive behavior and offered suggestions for improvement.

Testimonials component

I drove the creation of this customer stories component by working with content and social marketing colleagues.

I created a quick mock of the concept and showed how this component could format customer stories in a compact and efficient manner on the homepage — mapping users' unique home layouts and needs to their eero system.